Dear Friends,
It was almost a year ago that we announced our cancellation of First Bloom and Glow 2020, and we must again cancel our event for 2021. In light of the continued health risks and uncertainties posed by the coronavirus pandemic, we will again not be having our First Bloom and Glow event. We do this to protect the health of all those who would be in attendance of the event along with our volunteer First Bloom and Glow planning committee. Approximately 400 people attend the First Bloom portion of our event, and well over 1000 people attend the Glow portion. Not only does the event celebrate the First Blooms of the roses each season, it allows our community to come together to socialize and have great fun. We could all certainly use both after this time of quarantine!
It is our mission to maintain the Richmond Rose Garden by our volunteers in order to celebrate the joy of our environment with the beauty of roses. We will continue to pursue this mission while following safe guidelines. Last year we were still able to plant new roses, care for the Garden, and complete our walkway project. Thus, our work continues.
A large part of achieving our mission is accomplished due to the success of our First Bloom and Glow event, and I would personally like to thank Ann Herrman who serves as the chairperson of the First Bloom and Glow committee for all her efforts to make this special community event possible each year. We also want to thank all of our supporters and donors of the Rose Garden and those who supported our past First Bloom and Glow Events. The community outpouring of support for the Rose Garden has been overwhelming to say the least. We appreciate each and everyone who visits and supports the Rose Garden in any fashion.
Our volunteers look forward to maintaining the Rose Garden for everyone’s enjoyment. Please mark your calendars for June 8, 2022 for the next First Bloom and Glow event. We cannot wait to celebrate with our entire community once again.
Beth A. Van Der Burgt
President, Richmond Rose Garden Board