Despite having to cancel the 2021 1stBloom&Glow due to COVID concerns, there were several local businesses and individuals that stepped up to support the Richmond Rose Garden! We can’t thank them enough for their continued support.
Lingle Family Charitable Giving- Paul & Pat Lingle
Health Care Professional Federal Credit Union
Reid Health
Wayne County Foundation
Wayne County Convention and Tourism Bureau
Kyle Tom Real Estate Services
Stanley W. Hayes Research Foundation
John & Monica Koechlein
Dr. David & Cheri Jetmore
Primex Plastics Corporation
Brent A. Swinney, D.D.S
Doxpox, LLC
Natco Credit Union
Ann & Thom Herrman
Wetzel Family Auto Cruise
Sullivan Family Enterprises, LLC
VanVleet Insurance
Wayne Bank
Dr. & Mrs. James Parliament
Mayer Management, Inc.
Other Donations:
James A. & Mary Ann Brooks
Duane & Sandra Hodgin
Drs. Logan & Bailey Optometrists
Jean A. Sickeman
Charles & Marilyn Ramey
Bill & Marilyn Martus
Joyce Roberts
Tom & Joy Holthouse
Rosar Donor Advised Fund