
Award Winners

We presented a few special awards at our June 9th, 2022 1stBloom&Glow event. We would like to congratulate the following individuals for their hard work and dedication to the Richmond Rose...

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Iconic Gazebo to Get Face-Lift

After 35 years the gazebo is needing some repair. The repairs will start this summer and be completed by Miles-Richmond in early fall. The Gazebo is a prefabricated, copper roofed structure 12 feet...

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Trellises Installed

2022…time to showcase the climber roses!! Our climber roses have been hidden for too long on the back side of the shrub row by the club house. Our visitors didn’t even know they were back there. We...

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New Role at the Rose Garden

My name is Beth Van Der Burgt and it has been my pleasure to serve as the Board President of the Richmond Rose Garden for the past 11 years. I am pleased to announce that beginning January 1, 2022,...

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Welcome Connie Reeve

We welcome Connie Reeve as a new Board Member, January 1, 2022. Connie is a valued volunteer and has been serving on our finance committee.

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Thank you, Mary Bogue

Mary Bogue has served on the Richmond Rose Garden Board for the past 11 years. As her Board term comes to an end on December 31, 2021, we would like to thank her for her many years of service to our...

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How to Winterize Roses

Watch this video of Board Member Lisa Burkhardt demonstrating how to winterize the Roses at the Garden. Our volunteers have already started the process and will complete it by early December. Stop...

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Richmond Rose Garden Drone Video

We would like to thank Paula Woodlief Photography & Drone for putting in countless hours creating a beautiful drone video for the Richmond Rose Garden. Paula captured the beauty of the Garden...

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