Make a Donation
Donations are accepted to help care for the garden. They are given to the Wayne County Foundation in the name of the Richmond Rose Garden
No admission is charged to visit the garden, and the only source of funding is through generous donations from community members, visitors, and travelers who find value in the garden. No tax dollars are used to maintain this garden. While any visit to the garden promises to be beautiful, the underlying needs to maintain that beauty are costly. Please consider making a donation toward the maintenance of the garden.
Gift Donations
The garden also welcomes corporate donations toward specific needs and projects that will both benefit the garden and highlight the businesses involved in the community. If your business would be interested in this sort of tax-deductible gift there are many needs and opportunities available.
You may use the donate button to donate online or mail your gift.
Gifts may be mailed to:
Wayne County Foundation
Rose Garden Fund
33 South 7th Street
Richmond, IN 47374
Support the Rose Garden
To Donate please follow the link, and indicate your gift is for the Richmond Rose Garden.