Get Involved
We are always willing to accept new volunteers who love to work with these beautiful plants as much as we do! New Volunteers can work with a veteran to learn how we care for our roses.
Rose care is not difficult but somewhat specific in nature. We are happy to educate anyone willing to work with us. Volunteers can work on their own time or during our planned group work days. During specific times of the year, our volunteer coordinators will remind everyone of tasks which need to be completed such as mulching or composting, fertilizing, and weeding. Our volunteers have a lot of fun working with each other in the Garden. It is a very rewarding experience providing a respite place in the city for our community.
Are you interested in joining our volunteer team? Simply fill out our quick form on our Contact Us page!
Download our Guide

NOTICE: We kick off the season each year with a breakfast and education session about rose planting or spring work. In recent years, due to COVID, we have begun our year with a box luncheon in the Garden.

My name is Beth Van Der Burgt
As a Consulting Rosarian for the Richmond Rose Garden, I am very passionate about roses and how special the Rose Garden is to our community. We couldn’t keep the Garden maintained without all our wonderful volunteers and donors.
I invite you to visit the Garden and Experience Life in Full Bloom!